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flax animal supplements for competition

Premium Flax Products: The Fuel Your Competition Animals Need

Our exclusive formula of Cold Milled Flax, vitamins, and cultured bacteria, creates an unparalleled supplement in Big Hoss, Stocked Up, and Unleashed. The Cold Milled Flax supplies the benefits of Omega-3 fats, soluble and insoluble fiber, and protein offering a low sugar/low starch source of calories for your animal. 

The specialized cultured bacteria provide nourishment to the beneficial native gut flora, aiding in pH balance and immune system stimulation. This makes the gut perform at its peak, aiding in nutrient absorption from the everyday feed while amplifying the benefits of the flax, enhancing your animal’s resilience and recovery rate.

The inclusion of quality protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair. Our Hempseed Protein, a rare natural product, comprises all 10 essential amino acids in the correct proportions. It boosts your feed’s protein profile, helping your animal use protein from other sources more effectively, thus ensuring optimal muscle repair and growth during all stages of use.

Our first-rate products encourage a healthy inflammatory response, bolster a strong immune system, and support your animal through the rigors of travel/training/competition, and more. Maintaining optimum levels of Omega-3 fats, high-quality protein, and a beneficial gut bacteria population is key to your animal’s sustained health and performance.

Outlaw Nutrition’s products, Big Hoss, Stocked Up, Unleashed, and Hempseed Protein, can aid you and your animal in achieving your goals.

To discuss how our products can specifically enhance your training/competition operations, please give us a call at 612.465.0417.